An exciting new blog tour celebrating When Shadows Fall, the final book of the Dark Sun Dawn Trilogy by Stephen Zimmer, is taking place from January 15-22, 2020!
The tour features interviews, guest posts, top tens, reviews, and even a tour-wide contest sponsored by the author! The contest offers bonus entries for following participating bloggers on Twitter and includes signed copies of the entire trilogy in paperback editions, among several other prizes!
If you like action-drive fiction, fantasy, sword and sorcery, or heroic tales with a strong female protagonist, this is the trilogy and tour for you!

About the author: Stephen Zimmer is an award-winning author and filmmaker based out of Lexington Kentucky. His works include the Rayden Valkyrie novels (Sword and Sorcery), the Rising Dawn Saga (Cross Genre), the Fires in Eden Series (Epic Fantasy), the Hellscapes short story collections (Horror), the Chronicles of Ave short story collections (Fantasy), the Harvey and Solomon Tales (Steampunk), and the Faraway Saga (YA Dystopian/Cross-Genre).
Stephen’s visual work includes the feature film Shadows Light, shorts films such as The Sirens and Swordbearer, and the forthcoming Rayden Valkyrie: Saga of a Lionheart TV Pilot.
Stephen is a proud Kentucky Colonel who also enjoys the realms of music, martial arts, good bourbons, and spending time with family.

Book Synopsis for When Shadows Fall: When shadows fall, the dominion of light reigns.
Rayden Valkyrie and her companions enter the Imperial City, the heart of the rising Teveren Empire. Never before has her gaze taken in a city so vast, wealthy, and populous.
Sensual delights, grandiose spectacles, and the spilling of blood enthrall wealthy and poor alike. Beneath the surface, Rayden senses an undercurrent of a darker nature.
Learning everything she can of the venomous secrets lurking within the shadows, little time remains before a host of northern tribes arrives outside its walls.
Power lies within blood, and dark rituals have unlocked mysteries from the depths of the abyss.
Legions are on the march, a storm is about to unleash, and a dark sun will soon rise.
When Shadows Fall, the conclusion of the Dark Sun Dawn Trilogy.
Author Links:
Website: http://www.stephenzimmer.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/stephenzimmer7
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/sgzimmer
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/stephenzimmer7
Tour Schedule and Activities
1/15 MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape http://mylifemybooksmyescape.wordpress.com Author interview
1/16 Armed with A Book http://www.armedwithabook.com Guest Post
1/17 Armed with A Book http://www.armedwithabook.com Top Ten’s List
1/17 Sapphyria’s Books https://saphsbooks.blogspot.com/ Guest Post
1/18 I Smell Sheep http://www.ismellsheep.com/ Guest Post
1/19 Jazzy Book Reviews https://bookreviewsbyjasmine.blogspot.com/ Author Interview
1/20 The Literary Underworld http://www.literaryunderworld.com Guest Post
1/20 Beauty in Ruins – She Leads he Reads https://femledfantasy.home.blog Guest Post
1/21 Sheila’s Guests and Reviews http://sheiladeeth.blogspot.com Guest Post
1/22 The Book Junkie Reads . . . https://thebookjunkiereadspromos.blogspot.com Author Interview
1/22 Willow’s Thoughts and Book Obsessions http://wssthoughtsandbookobsessions.blogspot.com/ Review
Links for When Shadows Fall
Kindle Version: https://www.amazon.com/When-Shadows-Fall-Dark-Dawn-ebook/dp/B07ZZJX1K8/
Amazon Print Version: https://www.amazon.com/When-Shadows-Fall-Dark-Trilogy/dp/1948042908/
Barnes and Noble Link: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/when-shadows-fall-stephen-zimmer/1135226703?ean=9781948042901