Title: Prowling the Darkness
Author: Stephen Zimmer
Genre: Sword and Sorcery, Dark Fantasy, and Heroic Fantasy
Dates: August 7-14

Title: Trajan’s Arch
Author: Michael Williams
Genre: Magical Realism and Mythic Fiction
Dates: August 14-21
Title: Prowling the Darkness
Author: Stephen Zimmer
Genre: Sword and Sorcery, Dark Fantasy, and Heroic Fantasy
Dates: August 7-14
Title: Trajan’s Arch
Author: Michael Williams
Genre: Magical Realism and Mythic Fiction
Dates: August 14-21
Three great new blog tours are now open for signups! We are kicking off 2019 strong with three distinct offerings by some extremely talented writers! Check each of these out and come aboard one or more!
Dates: February 13-20
Genre: Mythic fiction, literary fiction
To see full information for this tour and the signup form, visit the link below:
Info and Signup Page for the Dominic’s Ghosts Blog Tour
Dates: February 20-27
Genre: Thriller, horror, with some erotic elements, and recipes,cooking, history
To see full information for this tour and the signup form, visit the link below:
Info and Signup Page for the Knife’s Tell and Victorian Catsup: Receipts of the Past Blog Tour
Dates: February 18-25
Genre: Suspense, Thriller
To see full information for this tour and the signup form, visit the link below:
Get ready for a great blog tour featuring Ruschelle Dillon! Arithmophobia is a very creative and unique collection of tales that centers around the magical, mysterious impact of numbers! This collection spans a number of genres, including dark humor, mystery, thriller, and horror!
The tour will feature a number of activities ranging from guest posts, to reviews, top ten lists and interviews!
To see full information for this tour and the signup form, visit the link below:
From JL Mulvihill’s wonderfully imaginative young adult/steampunk/alternative history Steel Roots Series, to Dan Jolley’s thrilling science fiction/urban fantasy/superhero fiction fusion Gray Widow’s War, to Stephen Zimmer’s young adult/dystopian/cross-genre Dream of the Navigator, we have three engaging, entertaining reads for you to explore in these blog tours!
We are looking for review, guest post, author interview, top ten list, and video/VLOG opportunities. Here’s a little bit about each of the books along with a link to the full information and signup page for each tour!
More and more readers are discovering the wonderfully imaginative Steel Roots Series from JL Mulvihill! A young adult, steampunk, alternative history adventure, the Steel Roots series features three books, The Boxcar Baby, Crossings, and Rails West.
Character-driven and beautifully written, the Steel Roots series is the focus of this new blog tour running from August 8-16! Looking for reviewers of any of the titles, in addition to guest post, interview, and top ten list opportunities! (or feel free to suggest an activity to us!)
Link for full information and signups!
The final installment in USA Today Bestselling Author Dan Jolley’s Gray Widow Trilogy, Gray Widow’s War, is featured in a new blog tour set to take place July 16-23. Featuring a great heroine in Janey Sinclair, the Gray Widow, the series is action-packed and appeals to readers of many genres.
With aliens and genetic mutations in the series, the Gray Widow Trilogy encompasses science fiction, urban fantasy and superhero fiction. The covers for this series were done by Dark Horse Comics artist John Nadeau.
Dan is a fantastic guest to have with his wide range of creative work entailing comics, video games, novels, table-top games, and other mediums. We are looking for reviewers of this series and if you participate in the blog tour, you can choose any of the books in the trilogy to feature in a review.
“1984 and Brave New World meets Narnia” in this exciting new young adult release from award-wining author Stephen Zimmer. Four main characters begin their journeys in the Faraway Saga, a tale that invites readers to explore infinite horizons!
A blend of genres featuring a near-future setting with massive high tech cities, alongside visionary, fantastical realms, Dream of the Navigator is the kind of book that can be enjoyed by all kinds of readers.
We are celebrating this new release with a full blog tour featuring reviews, interviews, video contents, guest posts and top ten lists!
Link to full information and signups!
Our latest tour available for signup!
Depths of Night, the first Ragnar Stormbringer novella, by Stephen Zimmer
Genre: Sword and Sorcery/Dark Fantasy
Tour dates May 21-27, 2018
We have four more great tours for book blogs and reviewers to sign up for!
Bob Freeman First Born Blog Tour (Horror)
March 12 to March 18, 2018
Nathan Day’s Orphan Surfacing Blog Tour (Cross-Genre, Modern Fantasy)
March 21 to March 27, 2018
Crymsyn Hart Deathly Encounters Blog Tour (Paranormal, Horror)
March 26 to April 1, 2018
Daniel Dark’s Knife’s Tell Blog Tour (Horror, Erotica, Victorian)
March 28 to April 3, 2018
We have four wonderful new blog tours to offer for signups!
Carl R. Moore’s Slash of Crimson and Other Tales Blog Tour (Horror, Alt Mythology, Crime Noir)
February 26 to March 4, 2018
Jacob and Jenny Floyd’s Kentucky’s Haunted Mansions (Non-Fiction, Ghost Stories, History)
February 28-March 6, 2018
E. Chris Garrison’s Road Ghosts Omnibus Blog Tour (Paranormal Thriller, Humor, Cross-Genre)
March 5-11, 2018
AshleyRose Sullivan’s Lona Chang Blog Tour (Superhero Fiction, Cross-Genre)
March 7-13, 2018
The Holiday season is just ahead and we will have some new tours available for signups very shortly! Keep an eye out here for the links to the sign up forms and get ready for some great reads!
Experience action-packed adventure in Gray Widow’s Web, an exciting blend of science fiction, superhero fiction, and urban fantasy!
Dan Jolley’s first book in the trilogy, Gray Widow’s Walk, introduced readers to a fascinating new heroine known as the Gray Widow! The plot thickens and the danger increases in the latest installment!
The tour will run from Wednesday, July 19 to Wednesday, July 26th.
Reviewers on this tour have the option of reading Gray Widow’s Walk, Gray Widow’s Web, (or both if you wish).
Get more information about Gray Widow’s Web, Dan Jolley, and sign up for the tour by visiting the Gray Widow’s Web Blog Tour Signup Page!
We are excited to invite you on a science fiction adventure with Cindy Koepp in her new novel The Loudest Actions, the followup to Remnant in the Stars!
Cindy’s first book took readers to new worlds in a character-driven storyline filled with action and humor, in a blend that one reviewer described as “combination of Han Solo (and Chewie and the Falcon) and Cowboy Bebop.” Now get ready for the next adventure in the pages of The Loudest Actions!
The tour will run from Monday, November 7th, all the way through Monday, November 21st.
To signup and see more book information visit the tour signup page here: http://www.tomorrowcomesmedia.com/cindy-koepps-the-loudest-actions-blog-tour-sign-ups-science-fiction/