Explore an exciting new blog tour celebrating the first book in Edale Lane’s Night Flyer Trilogy, Merchants of Milan!
A story of a masked vigilante and two women in love that weaves history, action, romance, gadgets, and intrigue into a captivating literary tapestry, Merchants of Milan is a novel that will satisfy readers of historical fantasy and historical romance alike!
The blog tour runs from February 19-26 and features reviews, interviews, guest posts, top ten lists, and more!

About the author: Edale Lane is the author of an award winning 2019 debut novel, Heart of Sherwood. She is the alter-ego of author Melodie Romeo, (Vlad a Novel, Terror in Time, and others) who founded Past and Prologue Press. Both identities are qualified to write historical fiction by virtue of an MA in History and 24 years spent as a teacher, along with skill and dedication in regard to research. She is a successful author who also currently drives a tractor-trailer across the United States. A native of Vicksburg, MS, Edale (or Melodie as the case may be) is also a musician who loves animals, gardening, and nature. Please visit her website at: https://pastandprologuepress.lpages.co/

Book Synopsis for Merchants of Milan:
Three powerful merchants, two independent women in love, one masked vigilante.
Florentina, set on revenge for her father’s murder, creates an alter-ego known as the Night Flyer. Madelena, whose husband was also murdered, hires Florentina as a tutor for her children and love blossoms between them. However, Florentina’s vendetta is fraught with danger, and surprising developments threaten both women’s lives.
Merchants of Milan is the first book in Edale Lane’s Night Flyer Trilogy, a tale of power, passion, and payback in Renaissance Italy. If you like gadgets and gismos, rich historical background, three-dimensional characters, and fast-paced action with a slow-boil lesbian romance, then you are sure to love this series. Buy this one of a kind novel today and let the adventure begin!
Author Links:
Twitter: @EdaleLane
Official Site: https://pastandprologuepress.lpages.co/
Tour Schedule and Activities
2/19 I Smell Sheep http://www.ismellsheep.com/ Guest Post
2/20 The Seventh Star Blog http://www.theseventhstarblog.com Guest Post
2/21 The Writing Process http://kimsprocess.wordpress.com Author Interview
2/22 jazzy Book Reviews https://bookreviewsbyjasmine.blogspot.com/ Guest Post
2/23 A Lot of Pages http://www.A-lotofpages.com Review
2/24 The Literary Underworld http://www.literaryunderworld.com Guest Post
2/24 Jorie Loves a Story http://www.jorielovesastory.com Review
2/24 Quirky Cat’s Fat Stacks (of Books) http://www.quirkycatsfatstacks.com Review
2/25 The Paperback Voyager http://thepaperbackvoyager.wordpress.com Review
2/26 Willow’s Thoughts and Book Obsessions https://willowwritesandreads.com/ Review
2/26 The Paperback Voyager http://thepaperbackvoyager.wordpress.com Interview
2/26 Jorie Loves a Story http://www.jorielovesastory.com Follow-up VLOG
Links for Merchants of Milan:
Kindle Version: https://www.amazon.com/Merchants-Milan-Night-Flyer-Trilogy-ebook/dp/B083H6WNKD/
Amazon Print Version: https://www.amazon.com/Merchants-Milan-Night-Flyer-Trilogy/dp/1654780197/
Barnes and Noble Link: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/merchants-of-milan-edale-lane/1136051210?ean=9781654780197